Natalie Adams

Natalie is a labour ward coordinator with 11 years’ experience within the NHS, currently based within a level three unit in the South West of England. She has provided care to women and their families in all areas of midwifery, throughout the pregnancy continuum.  In addition, she supports the local Higher Education Institute with training and teaching of pre-registration students.

Natalie’s current role encompasses the oversight and management of a busy obstetric unit to maintain patient safety and the delivery of the highest standards of care. This includes regular risk, incident and exemplary care reviews including birth afterthoughts and complaint resolution.  She continually supports service development and improvement through the participation in project working parties, audit and research.

Natalie acts as a Professional Midwifery Advocate within the trust and has recently achieved a Master’s degree in Advanced Clinical Practice, consolidating competencies in maternal and neonatal health and wellbeing.

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