Meg Hyslop-Peart

I am a dedicated NHS midwife working in Manchester with over 10 years’ experience. I have a passion for the safety of mothers and their babies, families before, during and after childbirth. I believe that childbirth should be a time which women and birthing people are made to feel safe in the care they receive. I provide information, reassurance and assistance to mothers and newborns, ensuring safe and high-quality maternity care. I support my hospital by performing reviews into maternity care and looking for learning so that we maintain a safe unit which learns from mistakes. I deliver education to midwives and doctors which includes feeding back learning to staff following serious incidents. I have designed teaching packages and worked on guidelines which aim to improve education on the detection of hypoxia in labour Experienced in providing support to families in labour. I want to support this review to help provide answers for mothers and their families.

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