Complaints Policy
Nottingham University Hospital Trust Independent Maternity Review (“NUH Maternity Review”)
Formal Complaints Procedure
In most cases, we aim to respond to concerns as soon as they are communicated to the team.
However, in some circumstances we may be unable to do this, either because what appears to be a simple or straightforward issue or concern is more complicated than it first appears or because, informally, your concern or complaint has not been addressed to your satisfaction. In these situations, you may wish to make a formal complaint.
The Formal Complaints Procedure
Any formal complaint in respect of the NUH Maternity Review will be considered by Donna Ockenden, as the Chair of the NUH Maternity Review, and her team in the first instance. In the event that a formal complaint is received, it will be shared with the office of the Chief Nursing Officer for England, Duncan Burton as the NHS England Senior Responsible Officer of the NUH Maternity Review; (the ‘SRO Office’). Should the NUH Maternity Review Team be unable to resolve the situation to your satisfaction, the matter will be escalated to the SRO Office for next steps.
How to make a complaint
A formal complaint should be made in writing so that it can be considered fully by the NUH Maternity Review team, before a formal response is provided. The formal complaint should be sent by email to [email protected], copied to Donna Ockenden [email protected].
Your email should include:
- A clear description of the complaint;
- Full details of the aspects of the NUH Maternity Review that you are dissatisfied with;
- How you consider that the issue can be rectified;
- Your full postal address, phone number and email address (where possible); and
- ‘Formal Complaint’ within the subject line of the email.
We will aim to acknowledge your complaint within two working days of receipt and will aim to respond to you within 10 working days of acknowledgment. If this timescale is not possible (if for example the complaint requires further, detailed assessment and consideration) we will inform you what is being done with your complaint and provide an updated timescale.
The Response
In circumstances where we consider that things could have been done better, we will acknowledge this and set out in our response to you how things will be done differently in the future.
We will also inform you if we do not uphold your complaint and will provide the reasons for this.
If you are not satisfied with the response that you receive, please address your concern to the Chair of the Independent Review, Donna Ockenden (using the same email address as indicated above) and we will inform you what further action you are able to take.
For the avoidance of doubt, complaints that are abusive in nature, unreasonably persistent or complaints where the above formal complaints procedure has already been exhausted may be declined. You will however be notified of this fact.
Version 2
July 2024
To be reviewed / updated February 2025 unless an update is required before this
Author: Donna Ockenden and The Clinical Advisory Team