Nicky Lyon
Nicky Lyon is co-founder of the Campaign for Safer Births. The campaign is focused on improving maternity safety and ensuring robust, independent investigations take place with parent involvement.
Nicky’s life was changed when her son Harry suffered profound brain damage during their term labour. Harry spent many months in hospital and sadly died aged 18 months. Since then Nicky has devoted her time to investigating maternity safety, working for improvements and ensuring the family voice is heard.
As an expert user representative Nicky has been involved in many national programmes including the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists Each Baby Counts programme and NHS England’s MatNeo Safety Improvement Programme. Nicky currently sits on the Maternity Transformation Programme (MTP) Insights Board & Recommendations Group and is involved in the Avoiding Brain Injury (ABC) programme of work. Nicky was a Specialist Advisor to the Independent Investigation into East Kent Maternity Services. She brings a passion for quality and improving outcomes to everything she does.
Nicky has a degree in Genetics and previously worked in senior management roles focused on management information, resource scheduling and planning.